Forum: the Ecosystem of Innovation
By Adina Moloman
Sources: El Economista, Cadena
A regional innovation system can be described as a network of various entities, interacting for a common goal. The education system, the government, research institutions, product development, knowledge-intensive business and industry all together striving for the same purpose.
In order to reach the synergy between transnational corporation that are locally operating as Tijuana Manufacturing facilities, research centers, universities, local government, etc., the National Chamber of Electronics Telecommunications and Information Technology (Canieti), The Tijuana Economic Development Corporation, CONACYT, as well as academic institutions and research centers as CICESE, CITEDI, UABC, UT, financial institutions and different investors groups from San Diego, CA. are organizing the charter Forum called “the Ecosystem of Innovation”.
This forum has the purpose to bring together more than 50 public private organizations that provide services to entrepreneurs involved in technological development and also will serve to attract more investment to Tijuana.
The development of domestic industries, transfer of technological and management expertise from the transnational corporations and thus sustained economic growth are among the foremost expectations in Tijuana.
The forum is a great place to archive a close collaboration, partnership and understanding between business, universities and other entities. The event will take place at the Bit Center facilities.
It is important that this kind of events engage with business, universities and other research organizations, exchanging expertise in a structured and planned manner. Networking between all participants and the business community is a critical component of an efficient innovation ecosystem. These mechanisms need to be constantly evaluated and reviewed for the purpose of improving manufacturing in Mexico.